Wechsel von SAP IP auf SAC Planung

Change from SAP IP to SAC Planning

Mindchanges when switching from SAP IP to SAC Planning. If you change from the IP - Planning application to the SAC - Planning programme from SAP with your previous experience, you first have to get used to the following new philosophy...
Workshop/Webinar: Migration nach SAP BW/4 HANA

Workshop/Webinar: Migration to SAP BW/4 HANA

We have accompanied many companies in their transition from conventional technologies to the SAP BW/4 HANA platform - from the initial idea, through profitability calculations, to complete project realisation. We would like to share the experience from all...
Workshop/Webinar: Migration nach SAP BW/4 HANA

Workshop: Process-optimised migration to SAP S/4 HANA

In our free half-day workshop, we will show you how to use Celonis to effectively and economically manage the move to SAP S/4 HANA. Identify the improvement potential of your processes in real time and eliminate stagnating processes or bottlenecks. Other agenda items...