
In addition to classic analyzes and dashboarding, the need for self-service BI is gaining ground.
             Moderne Werkzeuge in diesem Umfeld fördern den “Explore-Gedanken” über Visual Analytics.


Dashboarding and standard reporting, as classic domains of business intelligence, are usually controlled from IT, not least because the availabe tools are very technical to use. This contrasts with the requirement of the departments to independently analyze the available data in an agile way, visualize results and thus gain new knowledge. Therefore, Self Service BI is the magic key here, which addresses these exact issues and, in conjunction with modern tools and intelligently designed data platforms, takes business intelligence to the next evolution in business analytics.


Tools such as SAP Analytics Cloud and Tableau are intuitive to use and enable departments to create analyzes independently. The data pool often includes the integration of external information and the integration of local end users' own data. It is crucial for the successful introduction in the company to find the right level of self-service and thus the balance between governance of data quality by IT up to the requirements of data scientists.



Dashboards represent the most important key figures and key performance indicators of a company or department in a graphically appealing interface. Well-designed dashboards enable even inexperienced end users to call up further details and to follow guided analysis paths. biX Consulting does not only undertake the implementation with modern tools such as the SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP Lumira or Tableau and ensures the required performance, we also accompany the customer in the definition of the best possible forms of presentation, e.g. according to SUCCESS by Prof. Hichert, and in the conception of the required analysis paths. To create and distribute sources.

Standard Reporting

Standard Reporting focuses on recurring evaluations that are regularly created fully automatically and, if necessary, also distributed. Especially when it comes to external addressees, in addition to data quality and reliability, the perfect layout according to the requirements of corporate identity is paramount. We get the most out of the SAP and Tableau tool sets and also offer other options through our solutions to automatically create and distribute entire storyboards from various sources.

  Contact Person

  Sebastian Blötz

    Head of Consulting